I Remember Mama

Directed by Craig Cummins

July 29 to August 21, 2005

The 4th production of the 2005 Season

Written by: John van Druten

A heartwarming “slice-of-life” story of an immigrant Norwegian family living in San Francisco in the early 1900s. As they struggle with adapting to life in America, money worries, and “extended family” personalities, the story, narrated by teenaged daughter Katrin, emerges as a loving portrait of “Mama” – the tender, but determined matriarch of the Hanson family. Full of humor, poignancy, and loveable, quirky characters, I Remember Mama is a theatrical experience the whole family can enjoy.

The Production Team

Craig Cummins Director
Robert Emerson Production Manager, Prop and Set Designer
Pamela Ciochetti Production Assistant
Rosaleen Nardi Trinca Production Assistant
Cody Oakley Stage Manager
Candy Plato Costume Designer
Mafalda Greco Wig Stylist
Ed Read Lighting Designer
Manuel Robalino Sound Designer
Glenn Wood Board Operator
Nik Robalino Stage Crew
Ryan Haynes Stage Crew
Tyler Oakley Stage Crew
Stephanie Olivares Stage Crew

The Cast

Bethany Friedel Katrin
Pamela Ciochetti Mama
Michael Carey Papa
Katherine Aiello-Coppola Dagmar
Cara Spangler Christine
Robert Emerson Mr. Hyde
Ryan Haynes Nels
Kristina Guevel Aunt Trina
Kathleen Pantoleon Aunt Sigrid
Janie Deovlet Aunt Jenny
John C. Pantoleon Uncle Chris
Rosaleen Nardi Trinca Jessie, Woman
Bradley Bollinger Mr. Thorkelson
Brad Meyer Dr. Johnson
Stirling Goulet Arne
Sterling Wolf Nurse #1, Waitress
Estelle Kelley Nurse #2
Elizabeth Aiello-Coppola Madeline
Eileen Kannengeiser Dorothy Schiller
Pam Fornesi Florence Dana Moorhead
Pamela MacKenzie Florence Dana Moorhead
Bell Boy Nik Robalino
Agape Pantoleon Uncle Elizabeth
Stephanie Olivares Scrubwomen